Wednesday 13 March 2013

Pocket Knives, Essential Tools, 1000's of Uses

A pocket knife is a folding knife with one or more blades that fit inside the handle that can still fit in a pocket. Despite the bad publicity due to the level of knife crime, knives are truly essential pieces of kit. Only a tiny minority of people who own a knife have any intention of hurting anyone. Most knife crime is committed using common kitchen knives found in every home. Pocket knives are tools which can be used for hundreds of tasks & jobs. Knives in general have of course been used for thousands of years. The folding pocket knife was created by first century Romans.

For an outdoorsman, solider, camper or even a boy scout, their knife is their number one survival tool, the one thing they should not be without. In the great outdoors your knife enables you to build shelter, set traps, gut fish, prepare food, cut through foliage, ropes, hunt, and defend yourself. It is a tool providing you with all the basics needed for survival.

If you have a multi-tool knife then the functions, jobs & tasks you can perform become almost endless. Many knives come equipped with all manner of gadgets. Screwdrivers, tin openers, saws, scissors, magnifying glass, tweezers, file, wire cutter, pliers, corkscrew, torch, barometer, compass, you name it, they've put it on a knife! Where would Ray Mears be without a blade? Well he'd probably knock one up out of a branch, a bit of stone and some vines. A pocket knife does not need to have all these fancy tools to be effective. A simple strong blade should suffice for most tasks you undertake.

The uses of a quality knife are not limited to the outdoors though. I personally use a knife everyday for one thing or another and I am in town. A knife does the trick for hundreds of tricky little jobs around the house, the garden and on the car. A knife has helped me dismantle and break a wide range of household goods. Simple jobs like changing a fuse, stripping an electrical lead down, opening up letters, parcels and that horrible plastic blister packaging.

You never know when you'll need to turn MacGyver and knock up a life saving gadget using your trusted blade, so be prepared. Knives are of course weapons, but they are also essential tools. I was given a pocket knife from my Father when I was a young boy and I have never hurt anyone with a knife (other than myself). If you are lucky enough to be given a multi-tool pocket knife do not open out every tool in one go, you are bound to cut yourself!

It is illegal to carry a bladed instrument in public in the United Kingdom without a good reason (e.g. being a farmer, going hunting or fishing). An exception for pocket knives is in place however. If the blade is less than 3" in length and the blade does not lock it is legal. For more detailed information on the law surrounding knives, swords, crossbows, air soft weapons & offensive weapons please visit my website where you will find everything you need to know. There is also a wide range of pocket knives, hunting knives, & throwing knives.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with all of the above... but you forgot to mention us knife collectors!
